How to Sign Up:
- Please type your first & last name in any of the spaces below. If you can't be there the exact time of the shift below, just type in your hours after your name.
For example: Ginny Clark (7:45 - 10:15)
- Sign up for more than 1 shift if you're able! For example, you can sign up for all 3 window cashier shifts if you can be there 7:30 - 4:00, or you could be a meat helper from 10:30 - 2:00 and then help with the float station 2:00-4:00 and clean up 4:00-5:00.
- If you don't have a preference on when or where to volunteer, just add your name and available time to the last column under "Put me where you need me" and we'll let you know when and where we need you.
- Be sure to scroll down and to the right to see the full sign up schedule for each of the 5 days. There are 2 days for cleaning/set up and 3 days for the HHD Show.
- After you've signed up, just close this window. All changes will be automatically saved.
- If you have any questions or need help, please contact Megan Ehmen at 402-469-2935 or Anna Nunnenkamp at 920-344-2283.